The Utah Open began in 2015 by ambitious disc golfer and disc golf course designer Jade Sewell.
Jade is the kind of guy that does things differently. He didn’t want to do things the way that other TD’s did them and made the initial Utah Open Tournaments unsanctioned events because the PDGA would not grant him the A-Tier status he desired.
Jade diligently worked to create one of the best and most challenging disc golf courses in the state by creating the Mulligans Creekside pay to play disc golf course in Marriot Slatersville.
Jade’s goal was to bring professional, touring disc golfers to the state of Utah.
The inaugural Utah Open featured professional players such as Avery Jenkins, Catrina Allen, Eric Oakley, and Simon Lizotte.
The following year, Jade was able to obtain even bigger pro names such as Will Schusterick, Paul Ulibarri, and Ricky Wysocki.
If anyone dreams big, it’s Jade Sewell.
In order to achieve his next big goal, Utah needed another Championship level disc golf course. Working with Weber County, and volunterring thousands of hours of time, Jade was able to turn primarily unused wooden area in the middle of Ogden into the best disc golf course in the state.
After a few years of course refinement, Jade was not only able to make this goal a reality, but he was able to take it to the highest honor in all of disc golf by bringing all the top professional disc golfers in the World to Utah for the 2022 World Championships.
His creative course design allowed for the most dramatic moment in all of disc golf history.
We are forever grateful to Jade Sewell and the contribution he has made to Utah Disc golf.